The Faerie Kings
The great Faerie king of Co. Galway in the west of Ireland is
Finnbheara (Finnvarr). Cnoc Meadha is his abode, a
prominent hill west of Tuam, on top of which is a burial
mound. To the north west is Magh Tuireadh, where the
legendary battle between the Fir Bolgs and the Tuatha De
Danaans took place. There are many stories which illustrate
Finnbheara's liking for earthly women. He would often draw
young girls away to dance all night with him in his palace,
but the next morning they were always found safely asleep
in bed. One particular nobleman was not so fortunate,
however. His bride was taken one time by the Faerie king.
The bride's old nurse told the noble that he must dig down
into the sidhe mound, starting at the top. But during the
night the fairies of the mound filled the tunnel back in
with earth. This happened again on the second night. In
despair the nobleman turned to the old nurse again, who
told him to sprinkle the earth with salt and place a line
of burning turf around the trench, as the sidhe could not
resist that. The following morning the bride was found safe
in her bed.
Finnbheara is also known to love horses, and he is usually
seen riding a black horse with flaring red nostrils.
Donn of Knockfierna
In Co. Limerick the Faerie king Donn of Knockfierna is well
remembered. There is a large earthern fort on his hill and
a number of dolmens known as the 'Giants Graves'. You can
see the entrance to his Faerie palace. Donn is the ancient
Celtic god of the Dead who rules the rocky islands to the
south west on the Atlantic coast. Donn is also known in
Co. Fermanagh as the ancestor of the Maguires, whom he
helped in their battles. Sometimes he is seen riding on a
white horse on stormy nights, when people would exclaim:
"Donn is galloping in the clouds tonight". Donn now more
closely resembles a medieval Irish landlord than a god. He
rules quite strictly but will aid his people when needed.
He is also believed to fight against rival hosts in other
counties, the winner carrying off the best potato crop for
that year.
It will be noted that the Faerie queens and kings are in fact
the old pagan gods and goddesses 'in disguise' who have
long been revered by the Irish. It has been said that the
Celtic gods of Ireland had long been wiped out, buried
under the sway of Catholicism. Yet anyone who has been to
Ireland, or listened to her many folk tales can see for
themselves that this is very far from the reality. The old
gods live on in folk tales as the giants of the hill; the
Saor who built all the bridges of Ireland; the Gille Decair,
a clown and trickster; the carl (serf) of the drab coat and
many others. The old deities were once worshipped
throughout Ireland, however it is in the west that they are
best remembered now, the east having been more
Christianized and anglicised, and subject to more
invasions. By contrast, the west of Ireland, to which the
native Irish were driven ("to hell or Connaught") has held
on longer to her ancient heritage