English: Scottish, Welsh, Irish History of language development in England, Scotland, Wells, and the Republic of Ireland. Standard English and regional dialects British English has a standard accent called Received Pronunciation
(RP), used mainly by the middle classes, especially in the south. For
almost two hundred years, until about 1960, RP was the accent of most
educated Englishman, particularly those who attended public schools.
Today there is a growing tendency to regard a slight regional accents
as acceptable. A number of regional accents are used in Britain. One
major distinguishing feature is the pronunciation of certain sounds. For example, the Scots and Irish pronounce the 'r' constant in all
positions, whereas in RP 'r' is dropped before a consonant. In some
dialects 'h' at the beginning of a word is often dropped. In England
we can distinguish Northern, Midlands and South Western dialects. Scottish English The Scots speak English, but with their own accent. The various
Scottish dialects should not be confused with Gaelic, the Celtic
language spoken in the north and west of the country. Scottish Gaelic,
the traditional language of Scotland, is basically the same language
as Irish Gaelic, and Gaelic speakers from the two countries can
usually manage to understand each other. There are still plenty of
people in Scotland, particularly in the Highlands, who understand
Gaelic, but few places where remains the language of common
conversation, apart from the Hebrides. The variety of English spoken in Scotland by Scots descended from the
language of the Saxons, who came north to avoid the Normans after
1066. Few English speakers can fully understand a true Scots speaker. Welsh English Welsh English is famous for its musical quality. Words are usually
stressed in a different way than in RP. Welsh people often use forms
of the past participle instead of the simple past tense, e.g. He never
seen her. Another interesting feature of Welsh English is the sentence
filler 'look you', which means 'you know'. A great number of people in
Wales still use their native language, called Cymraeg or Cymric (from
Cymru, meaning Wales), one of the oldest languages in Europe. Irish English Under the Constitution of the Republic of Ireland, the Irish language
is the national language of the country, English being the second. The
Irish language belongs to the Celtic branch of the Indo-European
family of languages. According to statistics, about 30 per cent of the
population of the Republic of Ireland claim to have knowledge of
Irish, although Irish Gaelic is in decline, it has influenced Irish
English. A popular construction used in Ireland is to be after doing,
e.g. He's after reading a book, which means that he has just finished
reading a book. In spelling, the English language used in Ireland
follows British practice. However, the Irish accent is different from
English accents, particularly from that of southeast England. It is
very musical and has a characteristic intonation. In many ways the
Irish accent is a relic of the English spoken in the past. Many
features of Middle English, which have completely disappeared in
today's Standard English, still survive in Irish English, e.g. the
second person plural 'youse' instead of Standard English 'you'. The article was produced by the member of masterpapers.com.
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By Sharon White