The Human Hounds
Finn, who was dangling his hot feet in the water, looked up. He
was a tall, thin young man, with dark hair and the beginnings of a beard.
But you could tell by his eyes that he was very wise, for they were
the eyes of an old, old man.
"What would you like to ask me?" he
Finn smiled. He had seen Illan with his aunt over the past few
weeks and he had guessed that this might happen.
Finn pulled his feet up out of the water and began to dry them on
the edge of his cloak. He glanced over at the older man. "What if I
should say no?" he asked.
The smile faded from Illan's face. "well," he said uncomfortably, "if
you were to say no, then I suppose we would just run away and get
married anyway. But I hope you won't say no.
Finn stood up and Illan scrambled to his feet. He put his hands on
Illan's shoulder and the young man smiled warmly. "Of course I
wouldn't say no, and of course you can marry her - but only on one
condition," he added.
Finn laughed then shook Illan's hand in both of his. "I hope you will
both be very happy together," he said.
Even as they were speaking the scouts returned. They had come
across fresh tracks further down the river and they had also
discovered the remains of a camp-fire, which meant the thieves
were only an hour or so ahead of the Fianna. Finn hoped into his
sandals while Illan ran to gather up his belongings and pack them
onto the back of his horse. Soon the knights of the Fianna galloped
off down along the banks of the river. Illan couldn't resist laughing
out loud. If they caught the thieves today he could be back home
by midday tomorrow and he and Tuirean could begin preparations
for their wedding.
The day wore on. Finn and the Fianna always seemed to be just a
little behind the thieves, and once they even saw them in the
distance just riding over a hill. The Fianna galloped after them, but
by the time they reached the hill there was a thin column of smoke
rising from behind it and when they rode over the crest they found
the thieves had burned the bridge across a deep and rushing river.
The Fianna were then forced to ride five miles upriver to find a spot
where they could cross without any risk of being swept away, and
of course by that time the gang had disappeared.
They spent that night in a small forest not far from the sea shore.
As well as the rich, damp smell of the forest there was also the
tangy salt smell of the sea. Finn posted guards because the
forests then were dark and dangerous places with gangs of bandits
and packs of wolves roaming through them.
Illan was one of the guards. He picked a spot a little away from the
roaring camp-fire in a thick clump of bushes where he would be
able to see anyone or anything approaching.
Back in the camp someone took out a harp and began to sing to it
and Illan recognized the delicate voice of Cnu Derceaol, Finn's
favourite singer, who had learned to sing in the fairy forts of the
Sidhe (pronounced she). The men fell silent, listening to the
beautiful voice. Slowly the night creatures in the forest stopped
their creakings and croakings and twitterings to listen to the voice
and Illan saw more than one pair of small round eyes staring out of
the trees and bushes towards the fire.
The night wore on and the fire dies down to glowing embers, flaky
pieces of wood crumbling every now and again to send red sparks
spiralling up into the night sky. Soon the only noises were the night
sounds of the forest, the gentle hissing of the sea and the snoring
of the men in camp.
Illan was tired. It had been a long day and he had ridden far. He
was eager to return home to tell Tuirean that they could be married.
He hadn't really thought that Finn would refuse - but at least he had
agreed without an argument and everything was all right now. He
began to wonder what it would be like to be married ...
Something white moved through the trees. Illan caught his breath
and stiffened. Very slowly he pulled out his sword. He waited,
trying to to follow the movements of the white shape through the
trees. He wasn't sure what it was but he was not going to call the
camp awake until he was sure. He remembered when he was a
young man shouting the alarm and it turned out to be nothing more
than fog weaving through the tree trunks.
The shape came nearer. Illan was nearly sure now that it was a
figure - a human figure - but something stopped him from calling
out the alarm. Suddenly the shape seemed to melt into the ground
and then someone spoke from behind him.
He spun around, bringing his sword up to defend himself but it got
tangled in the bushes' thorny branches and fell from his hands. The
pale woman standing before him laughed merrily.
The young woman smiled, showing her small, sharp teeth. "So you
remember me," she said softly, her voice sounding as ghostly as
the wind.
Illan had met her a few years ago when he had been doing coast
guard duty, watching the shores for any signs of pirates or bandits
attempting to land on Erin's coasts. They had met one stormy
winter's night when the seas had been pounding in over the beach,
sending foam high into the sky, roaring and crashing like a hungry
animal. When Illan had seen the white woman moving up the beach
he had thought she was a ghost. When she was closer he realized
that she was just one of those very pale people that he sometimes
saw in the King's court and her white clothing made her seem even
paler. They had become friends sort of a sort then; coast guard
was a lonely duty and Dealba was someone to talk to and laugh
with. It was not until later that he learned that she was one of the
fairy women - the terrible banshee.
Illan suddenly realized Dealba was speaking.
Illan shivered with the cold. His fingers and toes grew numb and he
saw streaks of white ice forming on his armour and glittering on the
metal of his sword which was still lying on the ground. He bent
down to pick it up and when he straightened he shook his head. "I
will not marry you," he said. "I do not love you."
Dealba pointed her hand at Illan and said something in the
language of the Sidhe. Immediately the air grew even colder and
then the leaves on the bush's around the man froze one by one
until they were like glass. The branches hardened and turned to a
silver colour and Illan's sword turned so cold that it burned his
fingers and he had to drop it. When it hit the ground it broke apart.
The fairy woman took a step backwards and began to fade into the
"Wait," Illan said. He didn't want the banshee to put a curse on him
- he would never be able to get rid of it. He reached out for the
woman and his arm brushed against a branch. The leaves
immediately shattered and fell apart with a tinkling sound, like
small silver bells. Illan stepped backwards with fright and touched
against another branch. It too shattered into a fine silvery dust and
as the man watched the whole clump of frozen bushes collapsed
into dust all around him with the sound of breaking glass.
Finn and the rest of the guards came running up, their swords and
spears ready.
Illan and Tuirean were married a week later. The wedding was a
huge happy affair, with all the knights of the Fianna and the nobles
and their ladies there. It started at sunrise when the chief priest,
the Arch Druid, married them in the first rays of the morning sun. It
went on all day with eating, drinking, dancing and later contests
and games. When night fell the bards came and sat around the
huge fires telling stories about the ancient peoples who had come
to the land of Erin. They told about the woman called Ceasir Banba
who came from the land of Egypt and had given her name to the
island. They told about the terrible Fomorians who were the
demons from the icy north and they told about the magical Tuatha
De Danann.
After the wedding Tuirean and her husband headed off to Illan's
palace in the north of the country where they would have a few
days holiday before he had to return to his duties as one of the
However only two days later a messenger arrived from Finn asking
Illan to come back immediately. He said that a huge pirate fleet
had been sighted off the coast and Finn wanted his best men by
his side should they try to land.
Tuirean stood by the tall wooden gates of the fort and waved at her
husband until he had rounded the bend in the road and was out of
sight. She was turning to go back indoors when she heard the
sound of hooves. She looked back thinking Illan had forgotten
something. But it was not her husband but a young man wearing a
messenger's cloak. He pulled his horse to a stop a few feet away
from Tuirean and climbed down. He bowed.
Tuirean shook her head in wonder. Even if Illan had been galloping
surely he wouldn't have reached the distant crossroads so soon?
The messenger nodded again. He was a young man who looked no
more than fifteen or sixteen with a head of snow white hair and a
sharp sort of face.
Tuirean shook her long jet black hair and stamped her foot in
A little while later Tuirean and the messenger rode away from the
fort and headed south in the same direction Illan had taken. They
reached the crossroads by midday and then the messenger
stopped. He leaned forward and pointed down one of the roads.
Tuirean nodded doubtfully. She wasn't sure about that but still she
followed the messenger down the side road. Soon they rode into a
group of trees, short fat ancient oak trees with broad leaves and
moss growing on the trunks. There was a little clearing beyond the
trees and then the road continued on into a forest where the trees
were growing so closely that their branches grew twisted together
above the path and hid the sun and sky from their sight. Tuirean
had to squint to see the path and she could barely make out the
shape of the messenger ahead of her.
Suddenly there was the sound of thunder over head and then it
began to rain. Hard heavy drops patted against the closely grouped
leaves, spattering and splashing but very few actually reached the
ground below. The messenger raised his hand and stopped, but
Tuirean was so close that her horse actually bumped into his.
Tuirean peered over his shoulder and saw what he meant. Ahead of
them the trees had been cut away leaving an almost circular
clearing through which the path ran in a straight line. She saw the
rain then for the first time. It was falling straight down drumming
and thrumming onto the hard ground. Tuirean looked up to the sky
but all she saw were heavy, full looking grey clouds.
But the rain continued to pour down, soaking into the hard earth
turning it into soft muck. Now water began to find its way down
through the thick umbrella of leaves over their heads and began to
plink and drip onto the two riders making them shiver and pull up
their long riding cloaks.
"I think we should hurry on," Tuirean said, pushing her long dark
hair out of her eyes. "We might be able to catch up with Illan."
Tuirean closed her eyes, squeezed them tight then opened them
again. But the colour was still running down the man in long
streaks. It had started at his head: dark brown streaks from his
skin mingled with the brown from his eyes, ran down onto the front
of his jerkin, and then the browns and greens of the cloth ran from
that and dripped onto his legs. The colours then fell onto the
horse's back and soon its brown coat was dripping away into a
dark mucky pool about his hooves. Underneath he was white - snow white, ice
white, cold white. And
'he' no longer looked like a 'he'. 'He' looked like a 'she'
Tuirean looked at the creature and then felt her heart begin to
pound with fright - it was a banshee! She tried to turn her horse
around but suddenly all the trees around her turned white with ice
and frost. A tree cracked with the sudden weight of ice and sleet
and fell across her path, blocking her escape. She turned back to
the banshee.
"Who are you? What do you want?" she said as loud as she could.
Tuirean managed to scream once before the banshee's ice magic
touched her. Delba raised her hand and the air around her froze so
that the rain which was falling close to her turned to snow and
sleet, and the mud on the ground hardened into ice that cracked
loudly. The banshee then pointed her finger at Tuirean and a thin
sparkling line of white fire darted over and wrapped itself around the
woman, spinning and hissing, cracking and popping. It lasted only
a few moments and when it had passed Tuirean had disappeared
and and in her place was a huge coal black Wolfhound. It glared at
the banshee for a few moments and then growled deep in its throat.
Dealba laughed quietly.
When Illan reached Finn's fort he found there were no pirates off
Erin's coast and that Finn had not sent any messenger north for
him. When he looked for the messenger that had brought him the
message he could not be found. Illan grew frightened then and
thundered back to his fort, accompanied by Finn and some knights
of the Fianna. They knew something was amiss.
When they reached the fort one of the guards there told Illan about
the messenger who had come with the message from Finn for the
Lady Tuirean. And they had not seen her since.
Illan raged and swore. He and the Fianna searched the surrounding
countryside and he even hired men and sent them searching all
over the country looking for his missing wife but for a long time
there was no sign of her. Nearly a year passed.
It was high summer when Illan received a message from Finn. The
Lord of the Fianna had heard a strange story concerning Fergus,
one of the western lords. Now this Fergus was well known for his
dislike of dogs because he had once been bitten on the leg when
he was a boy. From that day he would not allow a dog into his fort.
But what was curious was that Fergus had been keeping a huge
Wolfhound for the past few months and treating it very well indeed.
And what was even stranger was that Fergus insisted that Finn had
sent the dog to him for safe keeping. But Finn insisted he had sent
no dog to this man and wanted Illan to investigate. So the knight
saddled up his horse and set off on the long road to the west.
He had ridden a few miles down the road when something white
flitted through the trees and stepped onto the path. It was Dealba.
Dealba disappeared in a rush of cold air and the reappeared almost
immediately with a huge black Wolfhound at her side. As soon as
the dog saw Illan it began to bark furiously and wag it's tail back
and forth.
A little more than a week later, Tuirean, who had been expecting a
baby before she had been turned into the Wolfhound, gave birth to
twins. But they were not human twins - They were two lovely
Wolfhound cubs.
Tuirean gave the pups to Finn to care for. The greatest
magicians and sorcerers in the land were called in to try and give
the dogs a human appearance but they couldn't because the fairy
magic was so strong.
"I would like permission to marry," Illan said softly, blushing
"Would I know
the lady?" he asked innocently.
"Aye," Illan nodded, it is your own mother's sister, Tuirean."
"My aunt," Finn said.
Illan nodded. "Your aunt. I love her you see," he continued, "and we
wish to be married as soon as possible. And because you are my
commander and since the girl's father - your grandfather - is no
longer alive, I thought I should ask you." He paused and added,
"What do you say?"
"What's that?" Illan asked.
"If I find you are not good to my aunt, or that she does not like
living at your fort, then you will allow her to return at once."
Illan smiled. "I will always be good to your aunt, and don't worry, I
will be sending a messenger to my fort today with instructions to
prepare it for my wife."
"I know we will be," Illan said.
"Hello Illan."
"Dealba!" he said in astonishment.
"Of course I remember you," Illan said, "how could I ever forget
you?" He shivered a little then, because Dealba frightened him and
Illan Eachta was afraid of neither man nor beast, but he did fear the
fairy folk and Dealba was one of the Sidhe folk. She was a
banshee, a fairy woman.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?"
Dealba frowned. "I said that I have heard that you have a new
woman in your life now."
Illan nodded. "Yes, her name is Tuirean and we will be married
"And what about me?" Dealba asked.
Illan shook his head. "What do you mean?" he asked.
"I thought we would be married one day!" she said. "You told me
so yourself," she reminded him.
"Yes, but that was before I knew you were one of the Sidhe. You
know a human and a Sidhe can never marry."
"You said you would marry me."
"I cannot," he said.
Dealba's face grew cold and angry. The air around her grew chill
and frost formed on the leaves and branches. "You will marry me,"
the fairy woman warned.
"What happened?" Finn shouted. "What was that noise?"
"A banshee," Illan said quietly, beginning to grow warm now that
the cold had vanished. He looked over at Finn.
"She has cursed me. What will I do?"
"What sort of curse?" Finn asked.
"I don't know - yet."
The captain of the Fianna looked troubled and then shook his head.
"There is nothing you can do but wait for the curse to catch up with
you. When you know what it is you might be able to fight it."
"My lady," he said,
"has my lord Illan set off yet?"
Tuirean looked surprised. "He left only a few minutes ago - but
surely you passed him just around that bend?" she asked, pointing
down the dusty road.
The young man smiled and shook his head. "I'm sorry my lady, I
saw no one."
"Was there a message for my husband?" she asked then.
"I have a message for my lord Illan and for you
too my lady," he said with a smile.
"For me?"
"Yes, my lady. Finn fears that the pirates may land in some of the
smaller bays around here and try to sneak south to attack him. He
does not wish you to be caught out here with no one to protect
"But the fort is guarded," Tuirean said.
"I think Muiren, Finn's mother and your sister, has insisted that he
bring you south for greater protection," the messenger said.
"Sometimes my older sister is worse than a mother,
always fussing."
"But does that not show that she cares for you?" the messenger
asked quietly.
Tuirean said nothing and stamped off to pack a small satchel and
have her horse saddled.
"That way."
Tuirean hesitated. "I thought it was this way," she said, pointing
down another road.
"We could go that way," the messenger said, "but this way is
safer. It takes us away from the coast where the pirates might
come ashore."
"What's wrong?" she asked.
"Nothing," the messenger said, "but there is a clearing ahead and if
we ride across it we will be soaked."
"How long will it last?" she asked the messenger.
He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, not long now I hope."
"Perhaps the lord Illan is also sheltering, "the messenger said.
Tuirean nodded. "That's what I mean. If he is sheltering from the
rain we might just catch up with him."
The messenger nodded slowly. "Yes, we might," He said, but he
didn't move.
"Well, let's go then," Tuirean said angrily.
"Stay where you are!"
Tuirean turned to look at the messenger in amazement. How dare
he speak to her in that way! "What did you say?" she demanded
"You heard me." the messenger said rudely. He urged his horse
forward, out into the centre of the clearing and then turned the
animal around so that he was facing Tuirean again. The woman
was about to speak again when she noticed something strange
about the messenger. All the colours of his clothes, his skin, his
hair - even the colour of the horse - were being washed away,
running like wet paint.
The banshee smiled, showing her sharp white teeth. "I am Dealba,"
she said so softly that Tuirean had to strain to hear her, "and I have
come for you."
Tuirean grew very frightened then. "What do you mean?"
"You married Illan," the banshee said.
"Yes," nodded Tuirean, "I married him."
"But he should have married me," Delba suddenly shouted. "He
knew me first!"
"But a human cannot marry one of the fairy folk," the woman said
"He should have married me!" Delba insisted. "But since he will not
have me I'm going to make sure he will not have you either!"
"If Illan will not have me," she said to
herself, "then I will not allow him to have you."
"What do you want?" Illan demanded.
The banshee smiled strangely. "Where are you going?" she asked.
Illan was about to tell her but then stopped. "Why do you want to
know?" he asked.
Dealba smiled again. "Perhaps you're heading into the west to visit
Fergus, Lord of the Seashore?"
Illan felt a strange chill run down his back. "how do you know
that?" he whispered.
The banshee smiled. "I know many things," she said.
"Do you know where my wife is then?" he asked.
"I might."
"Where is she?" Illan suddenly shouted, making his horse jump
and sending the birds in the trees up into the sky.
"She is with Fergus, Lord of the Seashore," Dealba said.
Illan knew then. "And is everything all right?" he asked.
"She is in good health," Dealba said and then added with a grin,
"Fergus has taken very good care of her."
Illan suddenly pulled out his sword and pointed it at the fairy
woman. "You have changed her into a dog!" he shouted.
Dealba laughed, "I have."
"Change her back," Illan said, "or else...."
"Or else what?" Dealba asked. "I could turn you into a block of ice
before you have taken a single step closer. But I will turn her back
into a human shape for you....for a price."
"And what is the price?" illan asked with a sigh.
"You must come with me into the fairy fort."
Illan didn't stop to think. "Yes, I'll do it."
"This is your wife," the banshee said and she touched the dog with
the tips of her fingers. A white covering like snowflakes formed on
the dog's hair. It grew thicker and thicker until the dog was buried
beneath a mound of snow. Then suddenly it all fell away. And
standing there in her human shape was Tuirean. She cried out with
joy and ran over to her husband.
"You've saved me," she said, "I knew you would."
Illan kissed her gently. "But to save you I have to go with her," he
nodded towards Dealba, "but don't worry, I will be back to you as
soon as I can."
"Must you go now?" Tuirean asked in a whisper, tears forming in
her huge dark eyes.
"I must," he said, "but I will be back."
Dealba reached out and touched Illan and he was immediately
frozen within a bloke of ice and then both she and it disappeared in
a glitter of silver snowflakes, leaving Tuirean standing alone.
Finn named the pups Bran and Sceolan. They were magic hounds:
faster, stronger and more intelligent than any other dogs in the land
of Erin. They were human hounds.